From trademark registration, and patent prosecution to enforcing intellectual property rights before the authorities and courts, to conducting intellectual property audit and legal due diligence to enable closing of deals. Basically, strategizing the management of your most valuable asset whether it is a brand, trademark, industrial design, invention, patent, software, song, movie, plant variety or a trade secret.
When, how and when to register, enforce, litigate, or license your intellectual proeprty rights. Most importatnly how to devise and implement the IP strategy that aligns with your business objectives and financial capabilities. NAL will show you how.
Register your trademark, industrial design, patent, plant variety, or proof of copyright in Egypt, Saudi Arabia or any country of the world. NAL Group helps you decide what and where to register, and to navigate the complex conditions you have to satisfy to secure your rights in your creation and invention.
By choosing NAL Group, you benefit from a comprehensive, strategic approach to IP enforcement to protect your brand’s integrity and maintain a strong competitive edge in new and established markets. Our monitoring service helps you detect infringements on ground and online, and respond promptly, .
Gain access to NAL Group expertise in drafting, negotiating and closing IP licensing agreements. We ensure maximum protection of your rights. while matching the specific needs of your business, industry, and growth objectives.
Take an informed decision before you acquire a stake in, or the business of, a start-up. NAL Group ensures the subject company complies with the law, and has sustainable business model, concept, invention and brand.
We offer comprehensive Franchising Package Services tailored for companies in Saudi Arabia. All packages include developing essential documentation, disclosure letters, operation manuals, and master franchise agreements. .